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01-21-09 Public Hearing
Minutes of the public hearing of the Legislative Council held on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 in the Meeting room of the C.H. Booth Library, 25 Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Vice Chair Pennarola opened the hearing at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT:  Joseph Hemingway, Patricia Llodra, Jan Brooks, John Aurelia, Francis Pennarola, William Rodgers, Gary Davis
ABSENT:  John Torok, Po Murray, Joseph DiCandido, Daniel Amaral, Jeff Capeci

Also present:  9 members of the public, 1 member of the press

Mr. Pennarola read the legal notice for public hearing which is to hear public comment on the possible enactment of the following proposed ordinance amendments and new ordinance:
1.      An amendment to the Fire Lanes Ordinance, chapter 229 of the Newtown Code.
2.      An amendment to the Elderly Tax Relief Ordinance, chapter 370 of the Newtown Code.
3.      An ordinance entitled Newtown Noise Control Ordinance, chapter 262 of the Newtown Code.
Tom Dwyer, 8 Obtuse Road, vice-chair on the Commission of Aging.  Questioned if the council will be taking action this evening.  Mr. Pennarola informed him that it is on the agenda and they do intend to take action at there regular meeting.

Peggy Baiad, 4 Budd Drive, supports the noise ordinance.  Surrounding towns have the ordinance and has been following this closely.  

Mary Liscinsky, 58 Eden Hill Road questioned why there was a need for this ordinance.  Are there problems in town?  Mr. Pennarola replied that many complaints have come through.  The existing policy is deficient and the police asked for a change.  Enforcement is always difficult but this gives the police another avenue to pursue.  She is also concerned that the ordinance includes birds and animals.  

Steve Liscinsky, 62 Eden Hill Road, has wild turkeys that he feeds which make noise.  He is concerned about birds being included in the ordinance.   It threatens the farms in town. Mr. Pennarola explained it is decibels at the property line, not within the property.  Mr. Pennarola articulated that before the ordinance can be enacted, it needs to be sent to DEP for approval and then it will come back to another public hearing.

Tony Baiad, 4 Budd Drive said that in surrounding towns, there are noise ordinances.  One is New Milford which has many farms that are not affected.

Public hearing ended at 7:27 p.m.

Arlene Miles, Clerk